Yoga Instructor & Massage Therapist Lori Munger at Pinecrest Retreat!
Lori Munger, Yoga Instructor & Massage Therapist, has been teaching yoga at the local library and at Pinecrest Retreat (on Saturday mornings). She has a wonderful, calming disposition and a very professional nature as noted in this feature article about her in the Julian News (click here to read). The good news for Pinecresters and visitors alike is that, in addition to the yoga classes, Lori will now be offering massage therapy sessions right here at Pinecrest in the re-purposed A-Frame. Lori is experienced in many types of massage including Thai Yoga Massage! Book your treatment with Lori today: (760) 802-8589
Farm-fresh Produce at Pinecrest Retreat.
For the second season, Farmer Jill is harvesting fresh produce from her Mountain Chickadee Farm located right here at Pinecrest! Picked frequently to stay fresh! Find it at the "honor-produce stand" at the Clubhouse.
Summer 2014
Happy Independence Day!
Website Update: More info on Rental Trailers!
The Pinecrest Retreat website has been expanded to include more information about the rental trailers, the RV overnight rental area and the tent camping area! Now you can send your friends and family a link so that they can book their comfortable stay here at Pinecrest Retreat. Here's the link for the trailer rentals
Got Compost? Let's turn it into rich soil for the Community Garden!
If you are a regular composter (even if you are not!) and you you have been wondering what you can do with your compost while visiting Pinecrest, we have some good news for you! Pinecrest now has a compost-turner-contraption. It's a big barrel that is turned on it's side with little doors where you can dump your compost. turning the barrel round and round helps process the natural veg-waste into nutrients that can be returned to the soil. Please help use maintain and improve the soil in the Community Garden (not to be confused with Jill's Mountain Chick-a-Dee Farm). The compose barrel is located nect to the Community Garden which is located a little further up the hill from the Vintage Trailer Rentals. Thanks for your support!
Cindy Henson's "Manage your Energy, Not your Time" workshop was fun & informative.
An amazing collection of friends turn out for the Frank Garwood memorial fire-cauldron dedication.
Pinecrest Retreat: Workshops Introduced
Pinecrest Retreat is growing and changing in many positive ways. We want to make "The Pinecrest Experience" one that offers a place to get away from the noise of life and re-connect with what is important: one-self, family, friends & community and nature. But in addition to being a place to rest and reflect, we are hoping that Pinecrest can be a place where members and guests can also challenge themselves and grow intellectually and emotionally. That's why we are working of a collection of talks and workshops that are geared toward self-betterment and awareness.
We will launch this new series with a workshop/talk by Pinecrester/Professional Advisor Cindy Henson entitled:
"Managing Your Energy, not Your Time"
Do you find yourself saying "I don't have enough time?" Are you ready to let that go? Then join us for this 3-hour workshop to hear about the science of stamina and to learn a few simple straight forward tips that will significantly increase your capacity to get things done.
Join us for this special event!
WHEN: Saturday June 21st at 10:00am
WHERE: At the A-frame in the center of the park (where the park managers used to live).
COST: $10 for Pinecrest Siteholders & Guests, $20 (for General Public)
Seating Limited: Please RSVP today at (760) 765-0464
Coffee, Tea and light refreshment will be served.
Facilitator Cindy Henson Bio:
Ms. Henson brings strong knowledge in developing and executing plans, motivating and directing executive and management teams, employees, suppliers, clients and community citizens across diverse ethnic cultures to achieve stated goals. She also brings 30 years experience within corporations, local government agencies and non-profits as a business executive and an independent consultant.
With Great Sadness, A Passing of a Friend
Partners Ron Guley & Frank Garwood have long been friends and supporters of all things Pinecrest, so it is with great sadness that we share with you the passing of our dear Frank.
Kathy Rosenow and Frank Spevacek, dear friends of Ron & Frank and owners of Pinecrest, will be dedicating a Cowboy Fire Cauldron in honor of Frank. Frank and Kathy loved Frank very much and they want to memorialize him with this special Community Cauldron where many will gather in good cheer, song and friendship for many years to come.
The dedication of the cauldron will be held Saturday, June 21 outside the Clubhouse near the pool. We will gather around 6pm with food to share and remembrances of Frank, then as the sun goes down around 6:30 we will light a fire in the cauldron and dedicate it in his name.
A plaque will be engraved in Frank's name for this new addition to the park.
Vintage Cocktail Party- Owl Box Fundraiser
Barn Owl Fundraising Cocktail Party
Saturday, May 24th at 5pm
at the Paradise Lounge in the Club House
What's a "vintage cocktail party"? Well, wear something fun and retro, for gentlemen that may mean a smart (plaid?) sports jacket and for ladies and colorful skirt or anything with polka-dots! Come enjoy the evening with an old-fashion punch bowl and tasty retro treats. Please donate $10 or $20 towards the Owl Box Fund, and rid Pinecrest of all the pesky mice once and for all!
A Poolside Picnic will follow- all welcome!
Our Traditional Memorial Day "All Site-holder Poolside Picnic" will follow. Pool will be open late. Bring your own dinner and drink to eat under the pavilion after cocktail hour. BBQs will be available for cooking. Don't forget paper plates and utensils. All Welcome!
Pinecrerst Retreat Pool Hours, Rates, Rules and Swim-Club Application 2014
Pinecrest Swim Club for Summer 2014 SEASON will open Wednesday MAY 28 and remain open thru Thursday SEPTEMBER 18 (weather permitting). We look forward to lots of good times around the Pinecrest Retreat olympic-style, solar heated, sparkling clean swimming pool! Memberships Limited.
TO JOIN TODAY: Come to Pinecrest Club House starting May 28 (but not Tuesdays) and complete registration or DOWNLOAD & PRINT THE 2014 SWIM CLUB APPLICATION BELOW Then mail the signed Swim Club Membership Agreement along with your check (Payable to Pinecrest) to:
PINECREST RETREAT, P O Box 926 Julian, CA 92036
POOL OPENS MAY 28th. Welcome to Summer 2014!
Living Simply
Julian Wild & Scenic Film Festival
Friday, May 16th & Saturday, May 17th
The Julian Wild & Scenic Film Festival is part of a 115 city nationwide tour showcasing
award-winning films about wildlife, environmental justice, adventure, conservation, and indigenous cultures. From "canyoneering" in British Columbia to surfing on a remote Arctic island, this year's films represent a variety of topics that celebrate the environment and people who are making a difference. There will be a "farm-to-table" event on Friday, May 16th at Jeremy's on the Hill featuring food from local organic farms. Hors d'oeuvres by celebrity Chef Jeremy Manley, plus no host bar, will be available throughout the evening. This event will also feature a short film on the farm-to-table movement and a talk by Tricia Elisara on the positive effects of kids eating food they have grown and harvested. Don't miss a free guided wildflower hike in the
Santa Ysabel Preserve on Sunday, May 18th.
The Winter is Over, and The Water is on!
Taking Care of Things.
At Pinecrest we believe in taking care of things. The things we buy, the things we inherit and the things that are all around us. That's one of the reasons we like vintage trailers so much. Often times we find a well crafted trailer that has fallen by human neglect and we restore it. It's our way of saying "this has value". It's also how we treat the Earth and the people all around us: with respect and gratitude. If you share in this way of thinking come by and say Hello sometime. We'd like to meet you!
A Man Spent Years Taking Photos Of One Small Town. When You Look Closer, You’ll See Why.
Artist and photographer Michael Paul Smith has spent hours upon hours photographing one special town that he holds very dear to his heart. There is something that always drew him to it, and the images he created are simple, but stunning. They glow with small-town charm and innocence, reminiscent of days and decades past.