Julian Wild & Scenic Film Festival

Friday, May 16th & Saturday, May 17th

The Julian Wild & Scenic Film Festival is part of a 115 city nationwide tour showcasing

award-winning films about wildlife, environmental justice, adventure, conservation, and indigenous cultures. From "canyoneering" in British Columbia to surfing on a remote Arctic island, this year's films represent a variety of topics that celebrate the environment and people who are making a difference. There will be a "farm-to-table" event on Friday, May 16th at Jeremy's on the Hill featuring food from local organic farms. Hors d'oeuvres by celebrity Chef Jeremy Manley, plus no host bar, will be available throughout the evening. This event will also feature a short film on the farm-to-table movement and a talk by Tricia Elisara on the positive effects of kids eating food they have grown and harvested. Don't miss a free guided wildflower hike in the

Santa Ysabel Preserve on Sunday, May 18th.